current emissions reduction

Floods in Italy, landslides in Pakistan; ice storms in Texas, wildfires in copyright. The climate devastation of 2023 is a reminder, as if another were needed, that time is running out to address global warming. Yet, the March 2023 report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates that current emissions reduction pa

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number of people suffering

The number of people suffering acute food insecurity keeps rising. In 2023, nearly 282 million people in 59 countries experienced high levels of acute food insecurity, one more country and 24 million more people than in 2022. The main drivers of this rising food insecurity are conflict, climate pressures and economic crises. With armed conflicts pr

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The effects were immediate

The effects were immediate. At the surface, Harris gained an almost 3% lead over Trump; effectively 6 percentage points. Since Harris represented essentially Biden’s old policies, how was this possible First of all, Kennedy’s strategic move proved less effective than expected because his polls had dwindled to close to 5%. In part, Harris’s ca

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Muzzu took over power

China has scaled up its relations with Maldives since Muzzu took over power. Early in 2024, he visited China during which the two countries elevated their ties to a “comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership” and signed 20 agreements followed by a military assistance pact Muizzu also permitted Chinese research vessels regarded by India as

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Because of Maldives’ heavy

Because of Maldives’ heavy dependence on imports, government expenditures ballooned given the steep rise in global fuel and commodity prices triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the US State Department said in its report for 2024 Fitch Rating gave “junk” status to the Maldives in August, citing the government’s inability to

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